
Congress Venue

The National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine

Address📍Cheng-Hsing Campus No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan.

                   臺南市東區大學路1號 成杏校區

For Domestic participants

自行開車 (國道路線)

  • 南下:
    沿國道一號南下 → 下大灣交流道右轉 → 沿復興路(西向)往台南市區直走 → 接小東路 → 直走即可抵達本院。【自國道三號南下者,轉國道8號(西向),可接國道一號(南向)】
  • 北上:
    沿國道一號北上 → 下仁德交流道左轉 → 沿中山路(西向)往台南市區直走 → 接東門路 → 中華東路右轉(北向) → 小東路口左轉(西向),直走即可抵達本院。 【自國道三號北上者,轉86號快速道路(西向),可接國道一號(北向)】


  • 於台南站下車後,自後站出口走大學路→ 勝利路左轉→遇小東路右轉約100公尺,左側即為醫學院成杏校區入口。


  • 搭乘台灣高鐵抵台南站者,可轉搭台鐵電車抵達台南火車站,自後站出口走大學→遇勝利路左轉→遇小東路右轉約100公尺,左側即為醫學院成杏校區入口。


For International participants

How to get here from Taoyuan International Airport

  • Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) → Taoyuan Station (THSR)

  • THSR (Taoyuan Station → Tainan Station):
    The journey takes about 83 minutes
    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR):

  • Tainan Station (THSR) → National Cheng Kung University
    By train shuttle: the train will stop at the Tainan train station. Our campus is located just next to the rear train station.
    By Taxi: fare about NTD$ 350

How to get here from Kaohsiung International Airport

  • Shared shuttle ride is about NTD$350 and an express ride would cost about NTD$1000.