Submission Guideline

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

 Submission Method: Online submission only.
 Language: English/Chinese
 Title: Font with Times New Roman No. 14 thick black words
 Length of body: 1000 words
 Only ONE page required for each abstract formatted using the Microsoft Word system.
 Modification: Until the deadline for abstract submission.
 Withdrawal: Written request by email fully required.
 Review & Notification of Result: Notification will be sent via email.
 Each participant can only submit one abstract to the conference.
 The same abstract cannot be submitted for consideration in different abstract categories.
 Abstracts that have previously been published or presented will not be accepted.
 The on-line submission also indicates the copyright agreement to publish the abstracts for all purposes of the Conference usage without further notice.
 Authors are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstracts. Any mistakes in literature or in scientific facts will be published as what is typed.
 All authors named in this abstract have agreed to its submission for presentation at TSN meeting, and that the authors are responsible for the data and agree with the stated results.
 The Scientific Committee of the TSN, reserves the right to accept or refuse an abstract, to designate abstracts oral or poster presentation and to choose a suitable session for the abstract. The authors’preference of the type of the presentation and theme will be taken into account.
 All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the TSN, and reviewing results will be informed by emailing a notice of acceptance/rejection.

Abstracts can be withdrawn through October 15, 2024, by emailing After this date, withdrawal requests will be accepted on a case-by-case basis, but the abstracts may still appear in meeting publications.


Preferred Topics

1.    Acute Kidney Injury and Critical Care Nephrology

2.    Glomerular Diseases 

3.    Chronic Kidney Disease    

4.    Electrolyte, Acid-Base, and Hypertension

5.    Anemia, CKD-MBD, Nutrition, and Metabolism       

6.    Hemodialysis     

7.    Peritoneal Dialysis and Telehealth    

8.    Kidney Transplantation and Regeneration

9.    Pediatric, Geriatric, Hospice, and Other Nephrology

10. Infection Control and Vaccination in Kidney Diseases

11. Augmented Intelligence, Digital Health, and Data Science

12. Trending Topic 2024: CardioRenal metabolic syndrome, Diabetic kidney disease, and Hypertensive  kidney disease


Innovation Presentations

1.    Innovation

2.    Information

3.    Management     

4.    Engineering & Technology

5.    Education  

6.    Others


n  Open for abstract submission : July 25, 2024

n  Abstract submission deadline : September 15, 2024

n  Notification of Award : October 1, 2024